
In 2009 I discovered triathlon. Somewhere along the way, what started out as a personal challenge turned into a passion. This sport and the people I've met along the way have helped me in ways I never would have imagined. Physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In 2010 an effort was made to pass along those blessings. On the way to Ironman Florida, with your help, we raised over $10,000 for Wears Valley Ranch. This year, Tri4Him-Houston is putting together a collective effort to raise money for Emma's Hugs. By sharing "random acts of kindness" in the Texas Medical Center, Emma's Hugs is helping others in need and memorializing their child who lost her battler with Batten Disease just last year. To find out more or make a contribution just click on the link. With donations, please note "Tri4Him" in the comment section so we can track our progress and keep you posted.

This year's big race is the inaugural Ironman Texas, 5/21/2011, here in The Woodlands. It's my first race of 2011 and I'm excited for the chance to tackle an Ironman right here in our own back yard. I hope that 2011 will be an even bigger year as we continue to use this sport we love to serve something much bigger than us.

As usual, I'll be posting updates, training schedules, race reports, etc. I'd love for you to come along for the ride.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to all of you. I hope you've had a chance to reflect on the service and sacrifices others have made so that we can enjoy our everyday comforts. Thanks to all of those who've served.

Just wanted to give you a little update on what's been going on lately. With summer arriving, the miles have been piling up pretty quickly. No race in May has meant a steady dose of training, increases in distance and time spent on the road and in the pool. It sometimes takes it's toll, but daily improvements along with the support and encouragement of those around me have continued to fuel the fire. My confidence is growing as well. To the point that the thought of spending a day traveling 140.6 miles on my own power seems doable...insane for sure, but doable. Reachable. That's a good feeling.

As of today, our fundraising total is up to $1600. Thank you. Although it seems to have tapered off a little after the Galveston race, I'm hopeful that with races in the coming three months it'll pick up again. I'm looking forward to doing a little traveling this summer. To Lubbock for the Buffalo Springs Lake half ironman next month and then off to the hill country with an olympic distance race in beautiful Boerne in July. Finally back to Clear Lake in August for the last competition before Florida. I hope that some of you will use these races as opportunities to contribute to the cause. Don't forget, our goal is to raise as much as we can for the kids at Wears Valley Ranch. I've been humbled by your support thus far, but I'd love to keep that number climbing right up until November 6th. Big or small, all donations are needed and greatly appreciated. Just click that "firstgiving" link over on the right hand side of this page and remember to spread the word.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When will you start?

This past weekend we went over the 1000 mile mark in training miles. 1000 miles of swimming, biking, and running since January. I hadn't really been paying much attention, but when I saw that, it took a minute to sink in. That number of miles on a plane could've gotten me to Chicago, or Miami, or Cabo for that matter. That's crazy! Just about the time I started feeling pretty cool, I read a twitter link about the man pictured. His name is Lyle Langlois and he turns 80 this month. I don't know him but his story will certainly make you think. He decided he wanted to run a marathon the year he turned 50. He started from scratch, two miles a day of combined running and walking, slowly built up his distance and eventually achieved his goal. That's impressive. What's more impressive, he estimates his lifetime miles at 38,000 for running and 25,000 for biking to date. That includes a marathon in all 50 states and a 15 hour Ironman. All since age 50.

Who knows what clicked with Lyle that day he decided he was going to run a marathon, but I vividly remember the day I decided to "do something." It was about 6 years ago. I was in the ballpark of 240 lbs and about to start my second blood pressure medicine. Activity was non-existent in my life and my eating habits were a wreck. I woke up as usual that morning but when I looked in the mirror, for some reason, I really didn't like what I saw. The same guy I was the day before, but I couldn't do it anymore. I slowly began to change a few habits at a time and after several months got back to the gym. Then I started mixing in an occasional jog some weeks. After a couple of years, my first 5K, my first half-marathon was in 2008, and last year I discovered triathlon. This year, God willing, we'll add another first in Florida. If you'd have mention Ironman to that guy looking into the mirror 6 years ago he would have laughed.

I don't tell you this to toot my horn but to hopefully encourage you. I don't know what your "something" is. That thing you've been wanting to do but can't find the time or don't think it's possible or just feel that it's unrealistic to even try. I do know one thing for sure though. For me and Lyle and anybody else who ever reached an "impossible" goal, that "something" started with just one thing. A decision. A decision to make a change sprinkled with some good support and lots of perseverance. I think you'd be surprised to see what happens if you'll just take those first few steps.