
In 2009 I discovered triathlon. Somewhere along the way, what started out as a personal challenge turned into a passion. This sport and the people I've met along the way have helped me in ways I never would have imagined. Physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In 2010 an effort was made to pass along those blessings. On the way to Ironman Florida, with your help, we raised over $10,000 for Wears Valley Ranch. This year, Tri4Him-Houston is putting together a collective effort to raise money for Emma's Hugs. By sharing "random acts of kindness" in the Texas Medical Center, Emma's Hugs is helping others in need and memorializing their child who lost her battler with Batten Disease just last year. To find out more or make a contribution just click on the link. With donations, please note "Tri4Him" in the comment section so we can track our progress and keep you posted.

This year's big race is the inaugural Ironman Texas, 5/21/2011, here in The Woodlands. It's my first race of 2011 and I'm excited for the chance to tackle an Ironman right here in our own back yard. I hope that 2011 will be an even bigger year as we continue to use this sport we love to serve something much bigger than us.

As usual, I'll be posting updates, training schedules, race reports, etc. I'd love for you to come along for the ride.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Race Report-Ironman 70.3 Texas

It was a great weekend. Tri4Him'ers represented well volunteering their time and racing all weekend. We manned an aid station on the run course both days. Many who were tired from racing on Saturday were there to help out Sunday and many who raced in the 70.3 on Sunday spent their "rest day" helping out fellow competitors in the sprint and olympic distances races on Saturday. I'm so proud to be a part of this group because we don't just show up to support and encourage one another. We look to encourage and "be the light" to everyone. Athletes, spectators, volunteers, and anyone else we might run across while out there. When you're out there busting it, a smiling face and an encouraging word goes a long way and the Tri4Him crew rocked.

After a little bad weather Saturday morning, Galveston cleared up for some great race-day conditions on Sunday. The longest stretch of the swim course was a little challenging due to winds and a slight current, but it felt good. My objectives for the swim-leg are 1) don't drown and 2) come out of the water feeling warmed up and ready to ride. The conditions slowed my time by about 5 minutes, but I felt strong and entered the first transition in great shape. The bike course in Galveston is flat as you might expect, but the crosswinds are no joke when you get out on the coast. We left Moody Gardens and headed south along the seawall. The turnaround point was 6 miles past the San Luis Pass, then we headed back in. The scenery was great and the road was familiar which was a much needed comfort on a 3 hour bike ride! There was a little help from the wind coming back but most of the ride was spent fighting a crosswind. It's hard to eat on a bike with a 15 M.P.H. crosswind. Luckily I was able to hold the pace I wanted and made it into the second transition in just over 4 hours. Now my dream time for this race was under 6 hours. I knew when I left T2 that I was going to be close, but that would mean a sub-2 hour half-marathon. I can manage that on my weekend workouts and in run only events, but to do it after the swim and bike was going to be tough. Boy did I try though. I felt better than expected at that point and was able to hold my run splits where they needed to be for about 10.5 miles. Too bad it's a 13.1 mile run! The day caught up with me and I started to fade at that point. Wound up with a 2:03, but I was pleased that I got that close.

The official time was 6:08:05. For those keeping score, my goal was 6:15 so I was very pleased with the race. Thanks to all of you for your support, words of encouragement, and the contributions you've made to this point to help out Wears Valley Ranch. 2010 is off to a good start. As always, if you are able, please click the "firstgiving" link on the right and consider contributing to what we're doing here. Every bit counts. Also, I would appreciate you passing this along to others who might be interested. You never know who or what we might inspire.

Training this week will be pretty light but I'll keep you posted as we get back into the swing of things.

Next up Buffalo Springs Lake.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Race Week-Ironman 70.3 Texas

Finally! After 850 miles of training since January, triathlon season is finally here. Next weekend will be special for a number of reasons. It's the first race of the year, it's close to home, and it's the site of my first ever race. That was just over a year ago. When I dipped into Galveston Bay that morning I had no idea how much life was about to change. Both within this sport and in my "real life" everything seemed to turn upside down soon thereafter. Ups, downs, downs, ups, you name it. What a ride it's been. There were some difficult days in the beginning, but I wouldn't trade any of them for my experiences over the past year and I'm thankful and incredibly blessed to be where I am today. Proverbs 16:9-"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Good thing I'm not in charge!

Amazingly, we've managed to raise just over $1000 for Wears Valley Ranch thus far. Thank you! I'm hopeful that as the season goes on your generous contributions will continue. If you're looking for an excuse to give, pick a race and pledge. Big or small, it all helps. If you'd rather me work for it, how about a little challenge? My time for my first half ironman (Longhorn 70.3) last October was 7:01. Slow. I'm shooting for 6:15 in Galveston on Sunday. Post a comment or send me an email with your challenge in whatever dollar amount you'd like. If I'm 6:15 or better you pay. If I'm not you don't.

Thanks again for your support and words of encouragement. I'm excited to be back at it and looking forward to racing again. For those of you in the area, come on out next Sunday. These races are fun to witness. And if you're not able to make it, I hope you'll keep me and my fellow competitors in your thoughts and prayers.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Success at Gateway

What a great weekend! The first area triathlon festival was down in Kemah this past weekend. "Gateway to the Bay" took place Saturday and Sunday. I did the swim-leg on a relay team Sunday, but the real stories happened Saturday. First was Chad (my older brother) finishing his first race and looking strong. Some of you know his story already. After watching me race and following along last year, he decided to make some big life changes. He began training last August, and in the process, found something he enjoys doing and lost over 40 pounds...FOUR-ZERO. That's him pictured on the left after crossing the finish line. It's not easy to make that sort of decision, even harder to follow through. He's looking better, feeling better, and has really embraced a new lifestyle. Awesome. I'm proud of what he's accomplished and have enjoyed mentoring him along the way.
You may recognize the face on the right from previous posts. That's our old friend Joe. He's been feeling better after our road trip and after a brief layoff he got back to training. He also finished the sprint triathlon on Saturday, officially back from months out of the sport due to his injuries.
Two great stories to start 2010. Motivating for sure. My next race is down in Galveston, 4/25/2010. That's two weeks away. For those of you who've generously contributed to my cause for this year, thank you. And for those who haven't yet...now's you chance. I hope you'll consider chipping in. Just click the first giving link to your right.

Friday, April 2, 2010


So you're telling me a bunch of amateur triathletes can use this sport to change lives and make a difference?

Actually, yes. A big difference. In addition to being a community of believers who share in their love of this sport and encourage one another in their training, racing, and lives, the folks from Tri4Him (www.tri4Him.com) are doing something more. When I joined the Houston chapter last year, there were 6 of us. And now with nearly 30 active members, things are starting to take shape.

Of course we'll be present at most of the area races, volunteering and offering support and prayer for competitors and their families. We're also collecting used shoe's to contribute to a Dallas-based non-profit, The Shoe Bank (www.theshoebank.com), which delivers them to folks in need both in the U.S. and abroad. To date, over 200 pairs have been donated many of which were shipped to our friends in Haiti after the recent earthquake. Most recently, through some generous contributions by members, we've invested in a few triathlon bikes (shown above) to use as loaners. We've come across several people who are interested and flirting with the idea of trying the sport, but may not have the means to invest in a bike to get them started. No longer a problem. We loan them a bike.

Pretty awesome to witness this sort of progress in just a year. I hope you'll check us out.