Amidst my little mini-crisis, I got a clear message from The Big Ironman in the Sky. Simply put, "Tobey, it's not about you." Ouch. I realized that it had become just that in the weeks leading up to the tree root incident. It had become about performance, getting faster, stronger, me, me, me. An easy trap to fall into in this individual, sometimes self-serving sport and that's not what got me to where I am today. That's not why I come home from a long work day and head right out the door for a long run and that's not why I'm up with the AARP polar bear club the next morning for a 5AM swim. Not at all. My hope is to glorify God, serve, and hopefully inspire a few others with my racing and with my "real life." That's what this is about. That's what started this little adventure we're on.
So this week, I was blessed with a renewed focus. We had good weather, all of my parts were working again, and all of my workouts were great. Not because I set personal records or logged huge mileage, but because it was for Him again. It's scary how quickly we can get back into that, "what's in it for me?" rut. Even scarier, sometimes, how long it can take and what might be required for us to realize it.
They say the truth hurts and apparently so do renegade tree roots. But I'm sure thankful to have stumbled on it that night. It was just the friendly reminder I needed to get me back on track.
A bit of advice, do what you love, do it well, and find a way to use it to make a difference for someone else.